Blog ImmoScout24

Good News from Our User Experience Research Team

Exciting times at ImmoScout24! We have just launched two new programmes to help us make our product development even more user-centric. This is an advancement that many companies already claim for themselves, but only very few have really earned. Our clear goal is to make our core target groups of homeowners, consumers and real estate agents even more satisfied. To achieve this, we want to get as close as possible to our users - understand their problems, learn from their challenges, and respond quickly to their needs while considering current market changes.  

With our increased efforts around product discovery, we see an increased need for research and high test frequency. And to meet this need, our User Experience Research Team helps us connect our product management, development, and marketing experts directly with our users.  

A first format to achieve that is "Rolling Research." UX Research Lead Sale Team Franziska Becker explains: "To really be able to drive customer centricity in our organization we needed to scale the frequency of our research activities and get our non-research colleagues more involved into it." To this end, Franziska's team organizes weekly appointments with B2B customers at which non-research colleagues can ask for feedback about new product ideas, prototypes or explore current needs and challenges of our clients, even at short notice. Franziska: "We are thrilled with how well the format has taken off. Our non-research colleagues are quite eager to make use of the Rolling Research format. Even though some of them were a bit nervous to do interviews on their own, all of them did great in the end. In the future we will invest more time in training and mentoring even more colleagues to do their own B2B customer research." 

As a second format, the first "UserFeedbackDay" (UFD) took place. Within one day, the Consumer Journey UX Team, headed by Alexander Kurt, invited almost 30 interviewees, all of them searching houses or flats to rent or buy, and conducted individual interviews with designers, product managers and developers. Markus Meixner, Senior Product Manager in the App Team, says: "I've followed already plenty interviews conducted by our research experts. It feels exciting to run interviews for ImmoScout24 on my own now. Based on our company culture it is our goal to build products closely together with our users. And with the UFD we are one step closer to achieve this."   

After the first runs, the UX team is already sure that the formats have a bright future. "We are currently planning to conduct at least 200 interviews of non-UX colleagues by the end of the year. It will be another exciting year," says Alexander Kurt.


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